The Medical Emergency Responce Team will begin carrying two new potentially life saving medications as a result of funding from UR Security.

The two medications – epinephrine auto-injector and albuterol nebulizers – will soon be offered by MERT.

“If they meet certain criteria, these two drugs can save someone’s life,” junior and Public Relations Director of MERT Varun Chowdhry said.

The epinephrine is used for alergic reactions. “If someone meets certain criteria and has some type of alergic reaction, [the epinephrine auto-injector] could save someone’s life,” Chowdhry said.

“[Albuterorl nebulizer] is a pretty inexpensive medication,” Chowdhry said. “It helps [people] with aesthma breathe easier.”

MERT will hold a training session on December 7th in the Gowen Room at 6 p.m., which is open to the public.

The presentation will be given by the Director of University Health Services Dr. Manchester and an emergency room physician Dr. Conners.

Facilities prepares for winter weather

Winter is fast approaching and while students look towards break, Facilities is busy getting ready for the ensuing wintery weather. Facilities is responsible for removing more than 500,000 cubic feet of snow for every inch that falls. One inch of snow can fall in less than hour and is enough to fill 9.25 miles of 10 cubic-yard dump trucks parked bumper to bumper.

In preparation, Faciliites is preparing their equipement for the tough winter work, taking care of the university’s plants and top dressing the athletic fields. Their job entails caring for the grounds of both the River Campus and Medical Center properties.

While snow has already started to fall in Rochester, Facilities expects a great deal more to fall before Spring. Manager of Horticulture and Grounds Dan Scheid reminded people in an interview published in Currents on November 17, that snow falling after 3 a.m. is hard to remove before 7 a.m.

“Once faculty, staff, students, and visitors begin arriving on our campuses in the morning, we simply cannot be as effective due to increased traffic and safety concerns,” Schied said.

Facilities has a Web site to report any snow related problems on campus. Schied encourages students to check the site, especially if coming from off-campus. It can be found at

Students and community members can also report any snow related emergencies or conditions by calling x5-000.

More weather information can always be accessed by calling the on-campus weather hotline “4-CAST,” by dialing x4-2278.

Reporting by Alissa Miller and Masha Choepsky.

We must keep fighting, and we will

While those with power myopically fret about the volume of speech and the health of grass, so many instead turn their attention to lives of hundreds of thousands of human beings.

Conversations can’t happen in empty rooms. Join us.

It can be uncomfortable and deeply frustrating to hear people say things about these sensitive topics that feel inaccurate, unacceptable, and sometimes hurtful.

Students’ Association passes resolution on administration’s response to “wanted” posters, demands charges dropped

On Monday evenings, the Gowen Room is usually nearly empty aside from the senators at the weekly Students’ Association Senate meeting. But on Nov. 18, nearly every seat was filled.