Dear Editor,

R Exchange was developed during late April of 2003 for University of Rochester students. This website will drastically reduce the cost of selling and buying goods and items to essentially nothing like ETRADE did for the price of brokerage commissions. Why would anyone bother to do this for free????? Because their are those in this world who do not do things for self-interest but rather for public interest. This is besides the point but I do not appreciate premed majors who do it just becuase their parents would like them to become a doctor someday. Why???? Because they are not really in it for the general good of helping others. Back to the point of R Exchange, it is a website more than just for items. It can be used for finding house mates, posting parties, etc. It’s as flexibility as you would like. But for this website to work well, the whole campus needs to participate. As more people join, it will be easier to find, buy, and sell what you need for free unlike other websites such as Ebay.

R Exchange

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