The answer is simple – we can cook for ourselves. A good cookbook, some basic cooking equipment and for those of you without a car, the twice weekly UR Special buses to Wegmans are all that are needed to escape one of the most dreaded parts of life on campus.

But we’re leading you astray – we aren’t really here to tell you about what you can cook taking twice weekly trips to Wegmans. Rather, we’ve taken on the more daunting task of figuring out what you can cook using only ingredients found at the Corner Store, using a bare minimum of supplies. Remember – this is only an abbreviated guide to what can be done. We’re assuming you already know how to make simpler recipes such as peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to experiment. Some of the most unusual and best mixtures of foods are ones that you wouldn’t expect to be good. Similarly, don’t fear failure – even the best chefs in the world have at some time made food that turned out surprisingly inedible. Just keep trying – you’ll get the hang of it. Lastly, good luck.

The DeLorme Report: Canada’s conservatives are paving a path for the West

While I am cautious about allowing power to be given to the far-right, I am realistic in recognizing that the center-right is economically beneficial for the middle class.

URMC provides opioid overdose prevention training

Naloxone displaces the opioid from the brain receptors, which stops the effects of the overdose for sixty to ninety minutes. This allows time for a hospital to intervene. 

Wolf Man: A physical transformation without much heart

The film isn’t horrifying enough to excuse its plot, which rang as uninspired.