A staff worker was struck by a car in front of the ITS Center Friday afternoon around 1 p.m. The woman, who is employed in the International Services Office was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance and was later discharged.

The accident occurred as an undergraduate student drove up the hill on Intercampus Drive. Witnesses say the student yielded to students in the crosswalk and was passing several Rochester Transit Buses in the right lane. He then struck the pedestrian about 15 feet after passing the last bus,” UR Security manager Mike Epping said.

UR Medical Emergency Response Team was first on the scene, with a security officer, who stabilized the patient. She was then taken to Strong Memorial Hospital in an ambulance after being stabilized on a backboard.

“This wasn’t malicious and he was obviously not on purpose,” UR Security manager Mike Epping said. “It was just an unfortunate accident. We’re lucky because things could have been much worse.”

Epping said that he didn’t feel like the buses played a role in the accident.

“He was well beyond the buses when he hit the pedestrian,” he said. “I think this was a case where he just wasn’t playing close attention.”

The driver could face disciplinary charges but Epping said that his office was not actively pursuing it.

“He wasn’t speeding, he just didn’t see her,” he said.

Dean of The College William Green, speaking on behalf of UR deans and administrators, wished the injured employee a speedy recovery.

“We are all sorry this happened and hope that she gets better,” he said.

According to her voice mail in her office, the injured worker will be out of her office for several weeks recovering from the accident and could not be reached for comment.

He also advised drivers to be aware of recently changed New York State laws regarding cars and crosswalks. The law basically reads that if someone is in the crosswalk, you are obligated to stop.

“If a person is in a crosswalk, your car can’t be there,” Epping said. “It is the law and just common courtesy.”

Hildebrandt can be reached at thildebrandt@campustimes.org.

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