The Campus Campus Revolution supports the use of force in implementing a regime change in the Students’ Association Senate.
Comrade Lonny Mallach should be commended for his initiative in taking care of a problem that has plagued UR students for decades. The tyrannies of the senate have been perpetuated for too long.
When considering whether regime change is justified, it is important to answer one question. Will disbanding the senate increase world peace and bring greater security to the UR campus?
The answer to this question is a definite yes. The senate is a threat to the citizens of UR and to the citizens of the world. Speaker Ashley Conner has destructive and dangerous intentions and has refused to disarm time and time again.
The threat that Conner currently poses to UR is unacceptable. She has failed to provide evidence that senate projects have been carried through or that meetings are ever productive. She has held closed-door meetings with her closest advisors and refused to abide by her own SA constitution.
Mallach’s characterization of Conner as a weapon of mass destruction is correct and clearly senate has already begun to use such weapons.
Mallach’s dictatorship is clearly preferable to the oppression experienced under the previous regime and the increase in the Student Activities Fee to cover his salary is not unreasonable. After all, we can all just ask mommy and daddy to cover it.
Desperate times call for desperate measures and repeated inspections of senate meetings and elections have proved that they are a clear and present danger to the efficiency of the entire UR community. Their repeated offenses are inexcuseable – plus they waste student funds by hiring some guy to set up a table every week before their meetings.
Join the revolution. The time has come for a change and Mallach is our man.