Please do not publish this, I just want a response to my question. Does anyone edit the campus times before it goes to print? On a normal week, I just make fun of all the typos and messed up quotes and whatnot. This past week, was a week I was going to save the campus times for the rest of my life. I was athlete of the week. Number 1, they got my time completely wrong, why should I save something that says I ran 3 full seconds slower than I did. Number 2, in the article you quote me, but I never talked to anyone from the campus times. I never said what I am quoted for. This is the 4th time this year I have seen someone quoted who never said the things they were quoted for. How does that happen? My good friend was quoted saying something he never said and it almost got him in trouble with a student organization on campus. My question is, does anyone edit this paper and if you are going to quote someone, please do it right. You make people sound ignorant. For example, last week, you quoted the men’s track coach and inserted your own words trying to convey to the public what he really meant, and completely changed the meaning of his sentence. I guess that’s all.Katie O’Brien

Bringing frills to the philharmonic: Drag queen Thorgy Thor and the Thorchestra come to Rochester

A drag queen and an orchestra walk into Kodak Hall at Eastman Theatre. They all begin to play. 

Resilience & community through fibre arts: a tatreez workshop

Tatreez requires patience and an attention to detail: the small fibers used to cross stitch are easily tangled in the back, and pulling them to the correct tension can be tedious work.

Extremely funny and relatable humor article

This was The Funniest Article. Ever. and I was just so impressed by my own writing that I couldn’t help but to share it with everyone.