The Thelion Society is holding its first-ever UR Trash pop-culture tournament this weekemd on Saturday at noon.

The tournament questions will be in the areas of movies, music, TV, sports and other aspects of pop-culture. This is different from normal quiz bowl style tournaments as it doesn’t cover academic topics like biology and geopolitics in third world countries from 1960-1970. Essentially, “trash” is conerned with things you won’t learn in school.

Proceeds from the tournament will go towards helping fund trips to intercollegiate tournaments by the society and possibly a new set of buzzers.

When asked about the club Thelion Society President Michael Adelman explained that the name came “from the license plate of one of our founding members, whose nickname was ‘The Lion.'” Evidently his license plate read “THELION” and on a trip someone asked what Thelion was. Adelman said that “we all liked the way Thelion sounded, so we decided to name the club after it.”

The Thelion Society is an SA funded club whose members are interested in trivia. They travel to other schools to compete in tournaments and meet to practice Thursday nights from 7 to 9 p.m. in Lovejoy 117 ? anyone is welcome.

The tournament will be held in Rooms 121 and 122 of Wilson Commons on Saturday at noon and applications are due by Friday and is open to faculty, students and staff. There is a $3 fee for solo entries, and a $10 fee for four person teams.

Adelman says students should come and have fun as “the questions will be about things that people know about.”

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