The Walk for Light II was held Tuesday and found few significant problems at the Graduate Living Center or the Nuclear Structure Research Laboratory parking lots. The River Road Residences, however were found to have significant lighting problems.

The Students’ Association Senate Projects Committee, in conjunction with UR Security planned Walk for Light II “to make sure student safety concerns are addressed to the University,” said sophomore Alexa Phillips of the committee.

Representatives from Parking Services, Security, Residential Life, Facilities, the Senate Projects Committee and the grounds and property mangement companies showed up to join students in the walk.

Commencing at 6:30 p.m. outside Valentine Residence Hall, the Walk for Light II circled GLC and then moved down Kendrick Road to the NSRL lot and then the River Road Residences. Although the weather was very cold and it was intermittantly snowing and sleeting, the turn out for the crowd was approximately what was expected ? about 20 people joined in the walk.

At GLC, junior Aaron Share led the tour and pointed out that while there was sufficient light in general, the periphery of the parking lot and the area behind the towers at the loading docks were very dark.

A suggestion to add blue light phones behind GLC and near the baseball diamonds was also made. Share said his interest in Walk for Light II originated in having his car broken into while living in Valentine.

During the walk, it was then pointed out that while new phones cost $8,000 to $10,000 to install, security was not opposed to the idea if there was found to be a need.

Students also asked for a camera in GLC lot, which Director of Security Walter Mauldin told students had been investigated.

At River Road Residences the light meters were unable to register a light level in front of the building. Beyond this, the largest complaint students had was the darkness of the road between GLC and River Road. The road is owned by the city of Rochester and the city of Brighton however, and beyond UR’s direct control.

Corrolary concerns included the lack of parking at GLC, which Glen Sicard, Director of Parking Services, said could possibly be remedied a number of ways, but would have to consider snow removal and busses entering the route after 2 a.m.

Residents also complained that they feel there are long gaps between buses to campus at times.

Rachel Mapes, the Graduate Head Resident of GLC and River Road, was pleased that the administrators “were receptive to me” and “inistiated conversations with me.”

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