Baseball and the New York Yankees have brought the city of New York a lot more than just a World Series this year. They have brought the people of New York a distraction from the tragic events around them with much needed joy helping to lift their spirits.

Ask any Yankee fan how they felt after their team lost the first two games at home against Oakland, and they will tell you that it felt like nothing was going right for New York City.

Just when the whole season was on the line, the Yankees dug themselves out of the hole to win the series and at the same time, metaphorically, dug New Yorkers out of a hole.

All baseball fans should be proud of how valuable the sport has been this month. Even a Yankee-hating Boston Red Sox fan can grudgingly tolerate the victory that has brought smiles back to the faces of the people in New York.

Looking at the stands in Yankee Stadium, there were familiar faces associated with New York, including Mayor Rudy Giuliani and businessman Donald Trump. They joined NYC policemen, firefighters, doctors and others as fans, uniting and coming together gladly because finally they had something to cheer about and celebrate.

So, we say, if the Yankees win the World Series, other teams fans should look past their dislike of the Yankees and be happy for the people of New York.

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