I was rounding the corner onto Elmwood Avenue after a long day of studying Saturday when I saw it ? the madness, and it was long before midnight.

I was stuck in traffic turning into UR for at least 15 minutes, and when I turned onto Library Road to park my car, I was faced with a mob of eager fans.

It was quite a scene. Spirited people coming to UR to watch a sporting game, supporting athletes. It was just too bad they were cheering on Webster and Canandaigua High Schools of Section V and not the Yellowjackets.

I’m sure that to most freshmen, Section V football just means more people walking around the campus and a packed, roaring stadium. But to most upperclassmen with cars, it means a nightmare of traffic and parking woes.

Now I must admit, part of me is in favor of renting facilities out to high schools for big events. It is not only a true display of our campus pride, but it is a good thing to do for the community, to lend to high schools facilities they might not have access to.

In addition, it is a great out-reach effort to the high school community , to show how well equipped UR really is.

It also is a reminder to the students in our school that athletics is a great way to unite people. It was really nice to see families and friends pre-gaming and getting together to support their school events. That is something that I truly miss since coming to UR, an overwhelming sense of participation in athletic support.

However, I have to echo the complaints of many upperclassmen and UR staff members. Parking and traffic really is a nightmare.

I recognize the effort that parking services and security is trying to make. Parking staff and supervisors who are working additional hours are driving all around campus to regulate parking and traffic.

In addition, at almost all entrances to student residential parking lots, there are students hired to stand and help direct traffic to designated parking areas.

However, there are some people who are not privy to such type of protection ? faculty, staff and coaches.

Like professors, being a coach is often not on a 8-5 schedule and exceeds a 40-hour per week position.

There are many times when coaches and staff come on the weekends to work on recruitment, games, review game tapes, or coordinate weekend practices.

I have noticed that during the last two weekends, when Section V football is around, the event staff places cones in parking spots on Library Road, in addition to overflow parking areas.

Given the fact that parking is on a first come, first serve basis on the weekends and after 4 p.m. on weekdays, how come the reserved spots on library road are not for the the coaches and staff who paid for their campus permits?

Instead, most are forced to park past Library Lot and Intercampus Lot during Section V events. Shouldn’t the priority be given to those who are working for UR? Aside from students themselves, faculty, coaches and staff are what help develop UR ? academically and athletically.

I must admit I do not have a solution to propose. I just know that I recognize that there is a problem with the current situation and there may be a bigger parking dilemma next weekend.

Starting Saturday, the men’s and women’s basketball teams are hosting a two-day Chuck Resler tournament. Seven teams, including UR, will be participating in the event. Also, the State Section V tournament will be in Fauver Stadium.

In all likelihood, many staff members and coaches, in addition to parents of Yellowjackets will be attending the games in support.

What will happen to parking then? We hardly have any space for one event alone. Who should have the right to the spaces? We may just have to wait to find out.

Wu can be reached at jwu@campustimes.org.

The grate-ness of graters

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UHS introduces new cancellation and no-show policy

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