Junior tailback John Breedy put forth a huge effort on the ground during football’s matchup against Carnegie Mellon University last Saturday by racking up a record personal of 156 yards.

Breedy is a graduate of Webster High School in Webster, N.Y. and currently majors in studio arts. He has also been playing football for seven years.

Aside from football, he also likes to work on his creativity by playing “video games, piano, singing and reading fantasy novels [such as] the Swords of the Truth series by Terry Goodkind.”

In fact, Breedy enjoys his artistic side so much that in 10 years, he sees himself “married with a family and designing games.”

In his days off the field, he likes “being able to spend time with loved ones and not having to worry about anything else but just enjoying the moments, including beating my older brother in Madden Football.”

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