Student registration for Meliora Weekend celebration is now in full swing, with less than two weeks remaining until the event. Thousands of students, alumni and parents have already registered for speakers such as Bill Bradley and Bill Cosby. The events for the weekend are now open to the public.

The newest attraction for the event is Friday, Oct. 12 ? it is a special symposia called the ?Cost of Freedom? at the Louis Alexander Palestra at 11 a.m. The speaker is U.S. Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta.

Mineta was initially intended to speak on his experience as a prisoner in a Japanese internment camp during World War II. He will also be asked to comment on issues like how aviation security will be affected as a result of the recent terrorist acts.

Mary Jo Ferr, Director of Development for the Office of College Advancement, said it will be interesting to see how Mineta will intertwine his talk on his experience as a prisoner with the events that transpired Sept. 11.

Ferr added that she hopes that there will be significant student presence at Mineta?s symposium, especially since many parents and alumni will not have arrived to attend it.

These highlighted speakers are among the 50 that will be on campus for the weekend. Registration to see these speakers is free.

Students can register for Meliora weekend by logging on to the Internet at and then follow the directions to register. Registration can also be done in the Wilson Commons on Monday thru Friday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. until Friday, October 5.

SA holds senate elections

The Students? Association Senate held its ?Meet the Candidates? night Wednesday in the Hirst Lounge. People had an opportunity to meet, ask questions of and make comments to the candidates.

Only a few of the senate candidates came to the two hour open session in Wilson Commons. Freshman and Residential Quad area senate candidate Katherine Shen commented on the lack of other senate candidates present, including any of her opponents.

?None of the other candidates have done this, so I assume it?s a good thing to do,? said Shen.

Despite the lack of candidates, those there felt it was successful. ?I handed out a few cards, met a lot of new people,? said Jon Winters, senate candidate for the Towers.

Around 30 students stopped by the tables during the duration of the event. ?I think it?s a little slow,? said Eric Lunin, candidate for the uncontested GLC senate seat.

Elections will be held Oct. 1 through Oct. 3 on To vote, students should type ?vote? at their mail% prompt. For complete candidate platforms, see pages 18 and 19.

Wang proposes peace quilt to memorialize victims of attacks

At the benefit concert Saturday night, senior Meng Wang called for student groups to make pieces to add to the banner that hung behind the performers during the concerts.

Wang asks that athletic groups, residential floors or any other type of student group make a block of cloth to remember the events of Sept. 11 and the positive way in which UR reacted to the tragedy.

?Time may heal the wounds, but we must not forget our resolution ? united we stand,? Wang said as to the reason for this tapestry.

Those interested should contact Wang at for details.

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

Running from Sept. 15 through Oct. 15, The Spanish and Latin Students? Association is sponsoring a variety of speakers and events. Friday, Sept. 28 at 10 p.m., comedian Kevin Hart is performing in the May Room. Hart is co-starring in the upcoming Fox television show ?Undecleared? and the film ?Paper Soldiers.? This is part of the SA sponsored ?Up till Dawn? and admission is $2. All proceeds go to St. Jude?s Children Hospital for Children with Cancer.

Also Sept. 28, the photography of Abelardo Morell will be on display at the George Eastman House. Morell is a native-born Cuban, whose black and white photos are of everyday materials. The exhibit opens at 6 p.m. with a lecture by the artist, followed by a reception.

To make reservations or for more information contact S.A.L.S.A. at x59374 or via email at

Reporting by Mansi Desai, Alissa Miller and Thomas Paris.

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