Ack, I can?t believe it?s over! Thank you so much to everyone who has made it wild, crazy, and memorable over the years. Emily: You?ve been the best roommate, and friend, I could ever ask for. Two of a kind, we are. Chris: my favorite little dino-bird (you?ll love it that I put this in the paper!). I don?t know how you?ve put up with me, but I?m glad you do. Benny B, Jeffie, Danny, and Moroc: it?s been fun being ?one of the guys? all this time ? I?m gonna miss the lengthy Danforth trips. Bones, Cameo, and the rest of the Survivor crew: I?ll keep it simple ? you guys rock; ahaj! Oh yes, and I couldn?t forget ? Drew Abrams. Your name is finally in the paper! Gannett 5 Girls, I can?t forget my roots. Uh yis, it?s been crazy! Everyone at the bookstore: I?ll miss all the ?hard work? and awesome employees ? especially my fellow cooler cutie, Kathy! Mom, Dad, and Ebbie, I wouldn?t have made it without your love and support. And to everyone else who has touched my life at UR (and whose name I couldn?t squeeze into this box), thank you, thank you, thank you.
I?ll miss each and every one of you ? good luck in life and be sure to stay in touch! Much love, Lea