My name is Jack Collins, class of 2004, and I come from New Mexico as a Political Science and Economics major. I am running for a senate position at large for the 2001-2002 academic school year. These past two semesters as a freshman I was incredibly involved in many activities and I feel that I would serve our student body well as a senator. I am the President of the Towers Hall Council and a member of UR Varsity Track & Field, UR Club Volleyball, KASA (Korean-American Students Association), various Intramural teams, the Music Interest Floor, and have helped organize and perform in some “open-mic nights” around campus. I don?t think my activities alone make me a good candidate for our representative; rather it?s how I act and what I do on a daily basis that represents my true character. I am an individual who finds great joy while looking after other people and trying to help out as best I can. As a senator next year, I will address issues of communication amongst our student body. My overall goal is to help us students build upon the connections that we have now and establish a stronger community.

Banning sweatshops won’t fix poverty, says visiting professor

“Welfare of the workers is the goal,” Powell said. “... We [must] have a means-end discussion about what policies deliver on that."

UR graduate students hold protest for unionization

Graduate student organizers are ready to do “whatever it takes” to form a union. “We feel like there's an extreme need here to get it done as quickly as possible,” said organizer Katie Gregory, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. “Up to and including a strike, everything's on the table.”

Priya Ragu’s 2021 “damnshestamil” pays homage to her Tamil heritage

Released in 2021, her debut album “damnshestamil” is a warm combination of contemporary music and an ode to her heritage, incorporating audio clips of women speaking in Tamil overlayed with traditional South Indian beats.