Professor T. Florian Jaeger has been put on administrative leave as a newly-formed committee investigates “all matters involving the EEOC complaint,” according to a Board of Trustees email Tuesday.

The investigation will be led by Mary Jo White, a former chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission and a former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York.

“White and her team have conducted numerous independent investigations involving sexual abuse and harassment at educational and other institutions,” the email said, adding later, “The Board of Trustees believes integrity is the cornerstone of every great university, and only a rigorous, methodical, focused, and transparent process will be acceptable.”

According to the announcement, the committee plans to finish its investigation by Dec. 31, 2017. Its findings will be reported to the Board of Trustees and made public to the University community, the email said. It will also review the University’s policies regarding claims of sexual abuse and harassment.

The committee will be chaired by Richard Handler and initially consist of trustees Nomi Bergman, John Davidson, Lance Drummond, and Lizette Pérez-Deisboeck. 

“This is a matter of utmost importance to the entire University community, and the Special Committee will conduct its investigation with complete independence, with access to all relevant information, and receive total cooperation from the University,” Board Chairman Danny Wegman said in the announcement.

Tagged: jaeger

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