Dear student colleagues,

We believe that protecting students and other members of the University community from sexual harassment and creating a welcoming and inclusive climate are two of the core responsibilities of the University. The allegations in the Sept. 1, 2017, EEOC complaint against the University raise serious concerns for us that the University has failed to achieve these goals in this case. As a result, academic careers have been derailed, and educational opportunities lost.

As members of the faculty, we hold ourselves to a higher moral standard than a strict interpretation of the human resources policies on harassment at the University.  We will continue to pose questions to the University administration about this case and about protections against harassment for all members of the University community. We will continue to push the University leadership to assess and improve these protections. We are available to listen to your concerns and, if you wish, to advocate for your concerns to be addressed.

Here is a document with our signatures, which will be updated as more faculty members sign on.

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A Recap of the AFC and NFC Championships: Will KC complete the threepeat?

The United Nation’s potential lies in global unity, not individual power

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‘Teddy’s Travels’ – Montréal, Québec

However, with the passing of New Year’s into January, things might start to slow down. The true scope of a full month starts to set in.