Hundreds of students light candles during an evening interfaith prayer service and candlelight vigil held at Library Mall to memorialize the victims of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City and Pentagon in Washington, D.C.
©UW-Madison University Communications 608/262-0067
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Date: 09/01 File#: 0109-188c-24
Top 10 worst albums of 2024
Although incredible music is released every year, so does terrible music.
Hobbies and mediocrity: you don’t have to be good at everything
Writing became something I had to be good at in order to share.
We must keep fighting, and we will
While those with power myopically fret about the volume of speech and the health of grass, so many instead turn their attention to lives of hundreds of thousands of human beings.